About Me
Last Update was 17th February 2025.
My name is Ismael Sampaio, but some friends call me Seal since it's my favorite animal. I'm a finalist student in Videogames and Multimedia Applications at Universidade Lusófona do Porto.
I've always loved programming and anything related to technology. While I never explored much about hardware, I was fascinated by software. My journey started with Minecraft modding and server management, where I even earned some money from my work! Later, I dove into game development, and my knowledge grew exponentially.
Nowadays, I primarily work in game development, with occasional side projects in web design.
Skills & Experience
Last Update was 17th February 2025.
The ♦ mean how confident I am with each language or program! (•᷄- •᷅ ;)
Last Update was 18th February 2025.
All this projects were made in academic context or, for fun. They are here presented to show capacities or departments I tried to learn during these years! Some might not be a full game nor show enough gameplay for a DEMO of a full game, but they are still full of content that I'd like to learn more about or even work more to improve.
Inspired by auto-chess games (like TFT), a multiplayer game where you create a dungeon for your foe and then play his! Whoever does the deadliest dungeon or conquers the most dungeons is the winner!
My first attempt at Global Game Jam. This game, inspired by the idea of speech bubbles, attempts to create a horror game where the player has to retrieve all the speech bubbles to the characters of the village. (Done within 1.5 days)